How to Ask Your Friends to Set You Up on a Date


Looking for love or hoping to help a friend find it? This template is a simple way to reach out to your closest friends, family, and network to create real connections. Feel free to make it your own—it’s just a starting point!


To my dearest friends,


I’m writing this letter to the people I trust most in my life. This message requires a bit of vulnerability, as I’m placing my heart in your hands, but here goes.

I’m single and feeling pretty tired of the usual dating apps and meetups. It feels like I'm constantly checking different platforms only to face endless rejections, and it's exhausting. There must be a better way, right? So, I’m trying something new and hoping you’ll help me out.

The goal here is simple: to form connections—real connections. Maybe you don’t know anyone personally for me, but perhaps you know someone who knows someone who could be a good fit.

Here’s where you come in: Think of a few people in your circle, whether friends or family, and feel free to send them a note saying, “My friend [Your Name] is interested in meeting new people, and if you know anyone amazing, feel free to pass their information along.” Or, simply forward this message to your network.

This approach may not be traditional, but I’ve never been one for the conventional anyway! Sometimes it takes a village, and I’m asking my village to help me find meaningful connections.

I’d also be happy to return the favor. If you or someone you know is interested in participating in this dating endeavor, I’d love to help however I can!


<3 [Your Name]