December 6, 2023 - Comedy with Sebastian Maniscalco, Design News with Erin and Ben Napier

December 6, 2023 - Odd Jobs with Sebastian Maniscalco, Design News with Erin and Ben Napier

Entertainment & Celebs

December 6, 2023 - Odd Jobs with Sebastian Maniscalco, Design News with Erin and Ben Napier

Comedian and “Bookie” star Sebastian Maniscalco is telling Drew about some of his odd jobs like telemarketer and ham glazer, turning fifty and working on his new show! 

Drew and Ross Mathews are covering news stories like Patrick Mahomes wearing the same pair of underwear for every game and the company sending people’s remains into orbit for space burials. HGTV’s “Hometown” hosts Erin and Ben Napier are joining the Drew’s News desk for a special design news covering stories like the celebrity designer revealing his craziest requests. Then, Erin and Ben are showing Drew how to make Erin’s Mawmaw’s biscuits.