8 Results


Kristin Davis and Drew

Drew Gets Emotional Telling Kristin Davis How Much Sex and the City Means to Her

The actress admits that it was overwhelming to see how much SATC meant to fans.

Actress Kristin Davis sits down with Drew to talk about how much "Sex and the City" means to fans, w
Entertainment & Celebs
Drew & Ross Mathews

Drew Is Grateful for Ryan Reynolds' Parenting Example | Drew's News

Drew says that she parents in a similar way to Ryan Reynolds.

Drew and Ross Mathews weigh in on today's buzziest headlines, like ""And Just Like That"" fake scene
Drew's News & Causes
Drew & Kristin Davis

Kristin Davis and Drew Go Head-to-Head in the Ultimate Sex and the City Quiz

It was a really close game... Did you know all the answers??

"And Just Like That" star Kristin Davis and Drew are going against each other in the ultimate Sex an
Entertainment & Celebs
Drew & Gayle King

Gayle King and Drew Discuss Moving Through Divorces and Relating to Adele

While eating soufflé, of course

Gayle King joins Drew at the desk to discuss what it’s like to be on the other side of a Taylor Swif
Drew's News & Causes
Danielle Walker

Healing and Growing Through Food with Danielle Walker | Motivational Minute

I'll have what she's having

Danielle Walker, author of Against the Grain and Food Saved Me, shares what she’s learned working th
Entertainment & Celebs

Drew Lost a List of Every Costar She Ever Dated at Danny DeVito's House | Drewth or Dare

That's a big whoops!

Drew is dropping some “drewth” bombs about what it's really like dating in Hollywood, even revealing
Entertainment & Celebs
Ross and Drew

Drew Weighs in on Curb Your Enthusiasm's Middle Seat at a Dinner Party Debate | Drew's News

It's called "Middling," and it's a prettyyyy...prettyyy big deal.

Drew and Ross Mathews weigh in on today's trending headlines, like dissolvable eco-friendly wrapping
Drew's News & Causes
Kristin Davis

Coming Up on December 14, 2021 on Drew!

Kristin Davis is here!

Actress Kristin Davis stops by to chat about the “Sex and the City” revival “And Just Like
Entertainment & Celebs